Wednesday, June 18, 2008


By the time I broke camp this morning it was already 9:30 and I had to get going. I was heading for Salt Lake City, 520 miles away, where I knew I would find what I needed. There are 2 large BMW bike dealers there so it was a sure thing but first, Yellowstone.

I headed south out of Bozemen and was soon in the narrow canyons climbing up to Yellowstone National Park. I have long loved the Yellowstone area having skied there many times as well as hunted its peaks and fished its valley's. This is truly God's country for me.

I continued south to West Yellowstone Village, the western gateway into the park. I stopped for fuel and called Aimee to ask her to find me a tire in Salt Lake as I rode through the park and headed that way. Since I was out of cell coverage, I couldn't get back to her until I was near Jackson but when I did she had good news. There was a tire that would fit at one of the BMW dealers in Salt Lake and they would be open until 6. If I could get there they would stay open and mount it for me. That was all I needed to hear and 6 hours later, at 4:55 I pulled into the North Salt Lake City dealer and they were true to their word. By 6:30, I had not only avoided the rush hour traffic but I had a beautiful new rear tire and a restored confidence. Finishing the trip was a no-brainer now.

To give myself a head start, I continued south to Provo and spent the night. Tomorrow is a another big day; about 500 miles, and I will need an early start. The temperature in Page was 114f today and tomorrow was to be the same or hotter. I needed to be through the area and on the Flagstaff before the real heat set in or the ride would be hell.

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