Tuesday, June 17, 2008


No tires in Great Falls!

Now I am becoming concerned. I can see a few cords on my ailing rear tire and I am considering taking it off and applying a patch or two to the inside in the thin spots. To do this would commit me to another day in Great Falls though and there is a chance that I could do more damage so I decided to ignor the problem and head further south to Bozeman where I was told I might have better luck.

Rather than superslab it to Bozeman I decided to take the secenic route through the canyons and I am glad I did. I headed east to pick up route 89 south through the Lewis and Clark National Forrest, going through Monarch and White Sulfer Springs. What a beautiful ride! Tall pines and aspen groves whipped by as I rode along the river as it traveled south towards the Yellowstone River. Tall mountains capped with snow filled my visor and I was smiling so hard my face hurt. Well, maybe it's windburn but I was still smiling.

After just a few hours I motored into Bozeman and started looking for a tire. I spent the afternoon going from one place to another with no luck. Finally, I found a campground next to a natural hot spring and I threw up my tent for the night. I no sooner got my tent in order when the skies opened up into a terrific thunderstorm that lasted well into the evening.

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