Monday, June 16, 2008


I got up early this morning optimistic about finding a new rear tire but by 10am had failed to find one. I ride a BMW and everything, tires included is metric. It seems that Edmonton is not. I found places that would order one in for me but I didn't want to stay and after a careful inspection, felt I could get another 1000 miles or so out of my balding rear tire so I packed off and headed for Great Falls after a nice breakfast of eggs and sausage.

As I was approaching Red Deer, AB about an hour later, my stomach started to rumble and within a few minutes I was off the bike giving my breakfast back to Alberta. I had traveled almost 10000 miles, eating in some really questionable places without getting food poisoning but now that I was back in civilization I got nailed by bad eggs. I drank some water and resumed my trip, heaving my way south towards Calgary. Finally, near Lethbridge some 300 miles south, I ran out of things to disgorge and my stomach finally settled down. By the time I hit the US border I was hungry again.

Crossing back into the United States was a joyous event. I realized how far I had come and all the things I had seen and done in a pretty short time. This was fun but it was getting time to put an end to it and to get home. I just had to find a tire somewhere first so I continued on to Great Falls, Montana where I hoped I would have luck in the morning.

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