Thursday, June 19, 2008


I read an interesting essay about the effects of heat and cold on a motorcycle rider. It seems cold is cold. As you ride, the wind chill effect just makes you colder as you would expect. As the real temperature falls the apparent temperature falls with it in a linier fashion. This is not the case with heat!

When riding in a hot climate there is a break point where the windchill effect reverses and actually makes you hotter. The theory is that there is a temperature where the body's ability to cool itself is outstripped by the effective evaporative rate. This causes your body to try to conserve water for your vital organs and you actually stop sweating. This point is about 105f.

I got up early this morning and was off by 4:30am heading south on the interstate. It was cold out, about 40f until the sun rose, but I made good time towards the cutoff for Page, AZ and got to it by 9:30.

I have long loved the little stretch of road from Junction UT to Kanab. This area was settled by the Mormons when they migrated west and they still inhabit it now. It is all redlands canyon and is just on the west boundary of Brice Canyon, one of the most hauntingly beautiful areas in our Country in my opinion. The first town of any size is Panguitch and it seems of another time, a western Mayberry. The citizens here obviously have a great sense of civic pride as this is one of the prettiest towns in the Country. The police however do not like my radar plate so after removing it, I remove myself down the road. I cant linger anyway; its getting hot in Arizona!

I arrived in Page, AZ at 12:30 and it was already 112f. I didn't want to shed the protection of my riding suit but it was just too hot so I exchanged my jacket for a sweatshirt and continued towards Flagstaff after refueling.

The road between Page and Flagstaff is made for speeding. There is just not much to hold your imagination as this section of desert could not be attractive by anyone's definition, especially when its hot and you are on a motorcycle. The temperature was now 116f according to my gage and I was really getting uncomfortable so I was hydrating as I rode. Finally, the road started to climb up towards Flagstaff and the temperature edged its way back to 90f. I was done for it and needed to stop. It seemed silly being only 150 miles or so from home but I just couldn't reconcile the heat I knew lurked just over the rim 20 miles to the south. I found a place with a pool and sat it it for the rest of the day.

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