Sunday, June 1, 2008


Today started with a bang. I was awaken, about 5 am, to a tremendous bang as thunder started rolling over the town of Dawson Creek. I got up to check on the bike and then went back to bed. It was all over by 8 am so I mounted up for my next leg.

Last night, as I was planning the next few days, I decided to take my time on the Alaskan Highway. It’s about 1500 miles total and I thought I would do in 4 days. Breaking it up this way I can hit the places I want to see and not be in a hurry to get to the next spot. Well, my first stop was Fort Nelson which is where I am now.

Fort Nelson is a sleepy spot in the road and probably wouldn’t exist if the highway wasn’t here. It is basically a main street with a few offshoots where the houses are. Fritz was stationed here during the war and from what I can see, he should have been getting hazardous duty pay for boredom. I rode all over town and talked to a few people but nobody I spoke with knew anything about the wartime effort here. I rode out to the airfield and it is now a modern strip with no trace of the old. Sorry Fritz. I did however, notice that there seems to be an unusually high number of bald, myopic Indians, about my age, walking around. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence….

I did have a little incident today. I was thrown off my bike and did a little damage to the left hand grip and turn signal. Believe it or not, I was just sitting on the bike at a gas pump after filling the bike. I was getting ready to leave when I was hit by a car in the rear. The bike was thrown off the stand and we all went tumbling. The guy who hit me was embarrassed but he didn’t even offer to help me right the bike. What an A hole! BTW he was from the states. I got up and out of the way and surveyed the damage. Not too bad, so I retrieved my roll of duct tape, made the repairs and got out of there before anything else happened. When I finally got to Fort Nelson, I disassembled everything and epoxied it all back together. Looks a little beaten but is structurally sound. I don’t know who invented duct tape but there is a winner if ever there was one. That stuff has been used by just about everyone to fix just about everything.

Tomorrow is a new day and I’ll be on to the next leg. Tonight though, I think I’m going to go out and find a scotch!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there Jay,
I just checked your blog, I missed a few days last week..but have to say I didn't like the Dozing comment!!!Stay AWAKE!! Geee you are to special to all of us!
Glad you are enjoying the trip...stay safe.