Monday, June 2, 2008


The Yukon baby!

Today, I motored from Fort Nelson to Watson Lake in the Yukon Territory. It was a beautiful ride going through the top of the Rockies in some very rugged land. The road conditions ran from beautiful pavement to loose gravel so the trip took some time. No high speed dash here.

At almost every turn I was greeted with breathtaking scenery and lots of game. This area of Canada is definitely wilderness and I doubt that if the road wasn’t here there would be no population. As it is, there is a little station about every 50-60 miles or so where you can get fuel and whatever else you desire (as long as it’s a candy bar). A few of them have a cafe where you can get something to eat.

Around lunchtime, I was at Muncho Lake. Aptly named, I thought. Several pictures of the lake are above. I came around a corner and there stood a beautiful Log gas stop and Inn. It’s the Muncho Lake Inn and it was built in 1996 by a German fellow and his wife. They run it today. Well, my lunch consisted of Wiener schnitzel and vegetables which was about the best I have ever had. They also had a great beer menu but I was good:{ In addition to this location, they also have 4 remote (as if this wasn’t) cabins that they will fly you into so you can commune with nature in private. Their bush plane operation is called Muncho Air. I desperately wanted a hat that said that but no luck. Truly, if you wanted to get away for a few days this would be a terrific, civilized place to get away from it all. Really nice people, great food and a knockout location.

I saw a lot of game today. The ones I could photograph are above. I saw about 10 deer, 4 or 5 moose(meeces?), a lot of Rockie Mountan Big Horn Sheep (they come right up on the road for salt left by the winter road clearing effort), several bear and some bison. I also saw a Hugh Beaver trying to cross the road. Can anyone tell me why the Beaver was crossing the road? Anyone? To get to the other side, of course! What did you think? Beavers, Chickens, their all the same when crossing the road.

It was about 5 by the time I came into Watson Lake and I found a room with Internet at the Big Horn Hotel. It’s pretty much a dive but you can’t be real choosy here. Tomorrow, it’s on to Whitehorse. The day after tomorrow, I’ll finally be in Alaska!


Unknown said...

Hi Jay -- It's Laura. Today is the first time I've been able to get to a real computer to type a quick message to you. Looks like you are truly having tremendous experiences with your travels. Your writing has placed me right along side of you! Enjoy, be safe and continue your journal. My thoughts will be with you!

amandaaimee said...

Hey dad! I tried calling today but your phone was off. Just wanted to say Hi and I miss you! Chemistry is going really well so far--so I'm pretty excited about that! It looks like you are still having a great time. Call me when you are free! I love you!


aimee said...

I miss you. Work is going well so no need to be concerned. Enjoy this time and immerse yourself in all the nature .... even though for me, that much nature could be cancer causing! "Roughing it" means walking barefoot though shag carpeting ..although it would be fun to go to that cute little lodge~ I send you all my kisses. Be carefree and happy! I love you.

Richard Parrish said...

Jay: Happy to hear that your mishap didn't cause any serious damage.
As you take in the scenery, don't forget to take some time along the way to breath in the beauty and goodness of God's creation. Your photo's are wonderful. It's as if I'm riding with you.
Peace to you! - Richard

Unknown said...

Well it sounds like your having a good ride. But, remember you are comming into a more wild area in Canada and Alaska. So, watch out for wildlife on the roadside. Talk to you soon. I hope the weather stays clear.



Pamela M. Smith said...

How gloriously beautiful...reminding myself to thank God for His handiwork when I hit my knees this evening.


Pamela McNeff