Saturday, May 31, 2008


I finally made it to the Alaskan Highway. It may be mile 0 but it’s still the Alcan!

I took off from 100 mile house at about 8 this morning under sunny skies. The highway was clear all the way to Prince George so I made pretty good time. I had lunch there and then decided to push for Dawson Creek. I finally rolled in a little after 6pm. 585 miles today. I’m done!

North of Prince George it gets pretty lonesome. I saw about 4 other cars over the whole 290 miles! I also saw; 6 deer, 3 moose, 4 bears and 1 wolf (I think. It could have been a really big coyote but it had rounded ears so I think it was a wolf). All of these animals were right at the road so I had to be pretty aware as I motored along. The moose were really anxious to get out of my sight but a few of the bears cooperated and I was able to get the camera out in time. It was fun and helped to pass the time.

All of this territory is part of the Peace River District and is rich in history from the Indians who lived here, to the early fur traders and then for the gold rush. During WWII, it was decided that there had to be a highway connecting to Alaska for security reasons so the Alcan was built over just an 8 month period of time. The highway is 1500 miles long and includes over 130 major bridges at a cost of 140 million dollars. It stands as a tribute to what can be done if the heat is turned on. Can you imagine how much it would cost if the politicians today were running the show?

Ok, so I hungry and there is a Tony Roma attached to my Hotel so I go there. I order a fillet and a baked potato. After it comes, the manager comer over and says "cut into your steak to see if it resembles your image." I say "I beg your pardon" but am thinging WTF? and she repeats herself. Now, I am an American in Canada and I dont want to offend anyone but if I cut into that steak and see the image of a 60 year old biker, I bolting this place!

From now on my direction will be only north and west. I’m hoping for good weather and a fairly quick passage of 4 days to Fairbanks. We’ll see how that goes. Right now, I have to go scrape about 15 pounds of bugs off my windshield and helmet.

For some reason, I cant add pictures today. I'll try again later.


aimee said...

travel safely and take the time to enjoy the scenery around you ... it looks s beautiful~ you mentioned fur traders .....did you see any of those? if so, i would like to request a full length lynx!
i love and miss you.......

Bob Galvin said...

Somehow it's quite ironic the further north one goes, the worse the bugs. Don't know why but it is definitely true.
So don't yawn to much when going 60!

Safe travels and great pics. Its fun to watch your progress.


Unknown said...

Hi Jay: Bee & I continue to enjoy and appreciate the reports. I used the Google Sat. map this AM and found my way to Dawson Creek and then on up to Ft. Nelson. With Google, I was able to locate the airbase that I have told you about. The LONG runway is still there and it appears that there are several buildings located in the area where we worked and lived. Also saw the river where we would go to the river bank, shoot a few rounds and young Indians would come over in a small boat and pick us up to take us over to their Hudson Bay Store. Boy,did those pictures bring back memories. As I remember, in driving North on the Alcan from Ft. Nelson, the terrain becomes very rough. That's the area where we would find the small planes down in bush-the piloyd did not respect flying in those conditions in small planes. Bee sends her best and has a bunch of Saints praying for you!! Bye for this time and again, thanks for the reports. Fritz & Bee

Valerie Hayken said...

Hey Jay! Glad to hear that you're having a great time. Make sure you take time to enjoy the scenery -- I'll be quizzing you later to learn if there are any new photo trips I'll have to plan. :) Love, Val