Friday, May 30, 2008


Today is Vicki McDermot's birthday! Happy Bday Vicki.

I didn’t write anything yesterday because there was nothing to write about. I sat around all day waiting for my new tires to be installed. Seems there are quite a few travelers going through Seattle this spring needing new rubber.

This morning I got up and departed, once again, north. I passed through Customs east of Vancouver with about 100 roudy riders right behind me. The Customs Lady asked if I were with them and then laughed when I said “no way”. They were all leather and noise. Luckily for me, they took a while to get through so I got well ahead of them. My route took me up past Chilliwack to Hope then on up straight towards Prince George. I made an image of the route for something different. As soon as I got into BC the views changed to mountains and all was good. It even warmed up some and I had to ditch a layer or two. I was in and out of tunnels and twisty roads for all of the day until I finally stopped at 100 mile house (it’s a town) for the night. Lots of people on the road so I stopped a little early to be sure I could get a spot. Also, I made the mistake of having a beer with my late lunch and all I wanted after that was a nap.

Brand new experience for me happened after lunch. I was just cruising along when I realized that I had been dozing a little just like it happens sometimes in a car. I wouldn’t have thought it would happen on a bike with all the sensory stuff blasting away at you but there it was. I’ll have to be more cognizant of this in the future.

My time now is all about going north. Tomorrow I will get past Prince George and make good headway towards Dawson Creek where the Alaskan Highway starts. I should be there the morning after tomorrow. What day is it anyway? Friday I guess so I will be on the Alaskan Highway finally on Sunday. It’s then about 4-5 days hard driving to Alaska. Hard to believe I’m getting close.


aimee said...

Okay, let me just take a minute to leture you about having a beer and driving a bike ....... you ALWAYS get tired after a beer on the beach .... what do yo think it's going to do to you while you are on a bike, you silly boy?! We would like for you to come home safely, so please ....NO MORE BEERS AT LUNCH!! I love you. Don't be crazy and come home safely after a long, eventful adventure.

Vicki said...

Thanks Jay, I had a nice day.

Now to follow in your lovely wife's footsteps.....
Be careful!!!!!

Enough said....I'm enjoying your pictures, can't wait to see what you find in Alaska.


Brotha' Fred! said...

Perhaps I didn't get the hunting, fishing, math, engineering, or home improvement genes from you, but I did get the narrative ability. I never knew you wrote so well...

But after almost 20 years of speeches from you, I knew you had it in you!

Glad your adventure is well underway, and it seems you are having fun.

Be safe. Love you. --CGF