Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday, May 28th

I left Astoria about 9 this morning hoping to make Chilliwack B.C. by nightfall. Best laid plans….

First of all, the fog was so thick crossing the Columbia river that I had to crawl along at about 10 mph. Don’t they have dedicated lanes for people who never drive in fog? What’s wrong with these people!

Well, I finally got away from the river and things cleared up enough for me to realize that that thick fog was now a drizzle! This lasted for about 6 hours while I was locked in step behind hugh logging trucks, pretty much until I hit the Seattle suburbs. BTW, if I lived in this area I would probably be a tree hugger too. The land is raped treeless in most areas I passed through today and ugly. The stumps haven’t been removed and there is a decided lack of re-forestation, at least as far as I could see. Most times that was only about 20 yards so take this with a grain of something.

Seattle traffic was what is always is and by the time I got free of it I was getting pretty tired. Tired of the rain. Tired of the traffic and tired of my sore a__. I finally got to the Canadian border where I was told by a very nice Lady Mounty (I didn’t ask her if she always got her man) that my rear tire was just barely legal and that I might want to think about that considering where I said I was going. Good enough advice so I borrowed their phone, my cell crapped out today, and called around. It seems that the tire I need isn’t available in Vancouver but was in Seattle some 3 hours behind me. In the rain! Well, adventure is as adventure does I guess so I turned around and came back to Seattle where I hope to have new rubber installed and depart for places north again tomorrow afternoon.

Today’s toll? 490 miles…all in the rain….370 in a straight line! This brings up something that my friends probably all know but that I was blissfully unaware of. I am a type A personality! I think of travelling from A to B. Going from A to B to A again is really painful for me. I guess there is a lesson there as my friend Richard keeps pointing out to me. Richard is a Pastor and a terrific guy. We have lunch every so often when stuff just needs to be aired. Anyway, Richard keeps talking about patience to me for some reason. I thought he was having a problem with it but maybe it’s me. I have always thought I was the most patient guy around. Maybe not?

Hopefully, Canada tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Jay: By now you're in Canada. Please don't come home with that "funny" accent! Your rear tire
experience-will the new one hold up through your complete trip? Is there a way to estimate the miles you can expect from the new one?
If there is any tire info you would like from the BMW guys here, let me know and I'll make some calls. Let's hope that it is not suggested that you travel with a spare tire. You would look very odd traveling through Alaska with a spare tire around your neck!!!
Everything here is good. Continue
to have a fun and safe trip. Bye for now. Fritz

amanda said...

hey dad! im so glad to hear youre having fun! i miss and love you so much!!

love, amanda

Richard Parrish said...

Jay: I'm a little slow in responding. I've been in Kansas (where everything is "chicken fried").
Glad you were able to get the tire replaced, even though it required an A-B-A route. Patience is a virtue, and you go right ahead and believe that I have an issue with it. This will be fun to watch!
Be safe. I can't wait to have lunch with you when you get home. - Richard