Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, May 27th

I left Gold beach under a low ceiling and a promise of rain. I continued north on rt 1 and transversed the length of Oregon, ending up in Astoria. I finally out ran the rain and broke into sunshine around 3pm. I was in and out of light showers pretty much all day.

It is interesting to me that as long as I am traveling about 40mph, the rain really doesn’t hit me much. I never would have guessed this although when I was young in Vermont I had a jeep that had no top and the same thing happened there. Sort of. Anyway, I’m 60 now and not 16. I don’t really want to get rained on now.

I had an epiphany on the way today. I decided I really don’t need to take the ferry to Haines Ak and can instead, ride the whole way up and back. It adds about 1200 miles but by the time you factor in the time I would have to wait around for the ferry and the cost, it just doesn’t make much since so tomorrow, I am cancelling my reservation and am committing to riding the whole way. I was planning to use this time as recuperation for my sore posterior but I’m really doing pretty well in that area and things should just get better. I keep telling myself that at least.

I am very fortunate that I can make this trip. I know it is a sacrifice at home and I am very appreciative of the efforts being made just so I can be out here. Whatever the payback, it’s worth it.

Tomorrow I ride north across Washington and enter Canada. I should end up around Chaiiawack for the night if all goes well.


Bob Galvin said...

Its fun to follow you on the map. Safe travels, Bob

aimee said...

I miss you. I am so excited that you're having a great time. Now, stop the guilt about not being at work! We are getting along fine without you and look forward to you coming back in July. In saying that, don't think that you are going to make that bike trip to Argentina NEXT year! The next 5 years are mine!!! I love you. Your selfless bride, Aimee

Richard Parrish said...

The coast of Oregon is one of my favorite places (despite the rain). I'm glad you're taking time to reflect, and refresh yourself.
I leave tomorrow for Kansas (somehow it's not nearly as attractive as the scenery you are seeing). I love your blog and seeing the pictures. Be safe. Peace to you! Richard