Monday, May 26, 2008

Ft Bragg to Gold Beach, Oregon

No Pictures today! I rode in the rain almost all day so the camera never came out.

I left Fort Bragg at about 8am and it took me 2 hours to go the first 45 miles. The roads were slick but blissfully free of fellow travelers. I finally got through the redwood area and it cleared enough that I could make some time. This part of California is really beautiful in a haunting sort of way. Lots of fog and mist hanging around giving just a glimpse here or there of what lay beyond. Very green for this desert boy!

I stopped in Crescent City, which is the last town in California before Oregon, for lunch and I can’t think of another reason to stop there. Lunch was good though and the coffee was hot. I went on to Gold beach and took a room for the night. People are pleasant here and make you feel wanted. It’s nice after the almost Appalachian like reception I got a little to the south. I have to do some design work here so I probably won’t leave until noon or so tomorrow then on to Canon beach (where that renowned film “Goonies” was made) Oh Boy!

BTW, when I do leave pictres, you should be about to click on them to see a large size. Thanks for all the comments. I like cookies too.....


Vicki said...

Hi Jay
I've been gone for a couple of days and just now had a minute to catch up on your journey. I'm really enjoying reading your blog and the pics are great.

But...Ok.... I'll admit it.... I'm jealous!!!!!

take care


Unknown said...

Hi Jay
I look forward to reading your blog every evening....sounds like you are enjoying youself...great pictures!
Be safe