Sunday, May 25, 2008

I left San Francisco in the Sunshine

I left San Francisco today in the sunshine. It was supposed to rain again this morning but I was very pleasantly surprised to see the sun. By the time I got everything packed up it was about 10am before I left.

I decided to take Rt 1 all the way to Canada so after the bay Bridge that’s where I went. I was only going as far AS Ft. Bragg and that was a good thing because it took me over 6 hours to make the 165 mile trp. Traffic was dense in most places so the going was slow. All to the better though. It was a beautiful day riding into and out of sunshine and coastal fog.

The twisties on this road are everywhere. Just when you have a straight section where you can run it up to 45 or 50 you hit a 180 and have to slow to 20 or so just to stay on the right side of the road. Lots of fun but I’m beat tonight.

Tomorrow, I’m heading north again and will go for Gold beach Oregon. Gold beach is where the Rouge River hits the Pacific. The rogue is just like its name and is a terrific adventure for whatever you do on it. I used to fish the Salmon run there in the fall and it was wild. You would be standing in the river casting for Salmon and a bear would be 30 or 40 feet away fishing with his paws. The bears always caught more than I did. I always wrote that up to the fact that they didn’t care about me but I had to keep a good eye on them. Made for some interesting casting at times. Anyway, that’s where I’m heading and I’m sticking to it.

The bike is running great. What an awesome machine. It has all the acceleration and handling that you need or want and will carry more that I would want to bring. Mileage is a little short of what I was expecting but maybe that’s due to the high revs of the highway. We’ll see. Anyway, I couldn’t be more pleased with it. I stopped in Mendocino for coffee earlier today and a group of Harley riders came over to look over my bike. After the usual German cracks one of the guys said that if he were going any real distance that’s what he would want to be on too.

I smiled.


Unknown said...

Jay: Tks for the news and pictures. Bee and I drove up the area that you traveled from SFO, and I remember how SLOW the trip was. Everything OK in AZ. Weather really cooled off for about a wk, but is to reach normal highs later this wk, so enjoy the cool weather. Continue to have a safe and fun trip. Fritz & Bee

Pamela M. Smith said...


Made the same trip over Christmas going to Portland to see my nephew and wife. Lovely, lovely. What kind of "hog" do you have?

Pamela McNeff