Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Day 5/21/08

Well....I finally departed! I almost didn't.

Our company has been kind of slow this year so far until 3 days before I was planning to leave. We received a very nice contract, one that would normally keep me busy in design for several months. My whole career has been this way. Just when I think things are becoming bleak, new business always comes in. I hope that never changes! Well, I delayed a few days and left anyway. The only difference is that I brought a computer with me so I can design on the road. In reality, I was able to complete most of the hard work before I left.

So...This morning, at 5:45, I left Scottsdale. I was going to leave yesterday but the weather was calling for record high temps all along my route. 115F +! Today was better but the winds were really strong.

I departed west, going through Blythe and Los Angeles, and ended up for the night in Pismo Beach. I'll post a picture later. (I cant find the right cord just now.) Nice Town but I'm beat and going to sleep right after I post this. 578 miles total. Between Blythe and Redlands Ca., my gas consumption was almost 3 times normal due to the strong headwinds. I had to be ready at all times for the bike to jump with the gusts. Lane changes were almost instantanious! Scary a times.
After going through Banning Pass it all calmed down. I was stopped by a CHP on a bike near Calabasas. He didn't really like the anti-photo radar plate I had on but he didn't make me remove it. We talked about my trip and bike for about 30 minutes! Nice guy. My butt was so sore at that time I need the break!

Tomorrow, I'm riding Big Sur and am really looking forward to it. Should be a great day. I don't know where I'll end up. Maybe Mendicino, maybe somewhere else.


kathy edwards said...

Jay, it sure sounds as though you are hauling. It sounds as though you had a interesting first day. I sure wish you could have stopped by Pepperdine since you were in Calabasas (former home of Cottontail Ranch). Have a wonderful journey and hopefully when you return you and beautiful Aimee will come to Cali and you can share your moments with Gary and myself. Be Safe, Love, Kathy and Gary Edwards

julianna said...

Big Sur, I love that place!! Take some cool pics!
