Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

Hi and welcome. My name is Jay Galvin and I am from Scottsdale Arizona where I live with my beautiful wife and best friend, Aimee. I turned 60 in early May and have planned a motorcycle trip from Arizona to Alaska and back covering about 10,000 miles along the way. I will be camping as weather and local permit and hopefully dipping my rod in some of the spectacular waterways I will encounter along the way. This Blog will be updated as I can to show my progress and share my thoughts along the way. I will also post pictures when possible.

Ride along with me on this post. I hope I don't bore you too much. Thanks for stopping by....


aimee said...

I am so anxious for you to start your journey. I will miss you, but am so happy that you are taking this opportunity to find your "inner adventure" again. You have done so much for the kids and me, it's time you take some time for yourself! Have a wonderful trip and know you will be missed. I'll be anxious to hear all your stories when you return. You are the love of my life ... travel safely. Aimee

Bob Galvin said...

Have a great trip! Beware of gravel thrown at you by semi trucks on the pipeline road. A real problem for motorcycles. Send pics and safe travels.


Bob Galvin said...


Send me a photo of you standing next to the Arctic Circle sign and also of you nest to the pipeline.


Bob Galvin said...

I should have taken advanced spelling at RIT!

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to all your travel updates...please be are a very special friend...have you!

julianna said...

Jay...may your journey be filled with surprises and introspection! We love you, the Lyddon's

Vicki said...

Have a great time!!!
You are heading to our favorite place...Big Sur

We love you and are looking forward to pictures and stories, and praying for Gods best blessings on your adventure.

Vicki & Rich

gerry said...

Hi Jay,
Congrats on getting started.Wish I was there with you. Slow down and enjoy.Ride safely.

Unknown said...

Jay: Am having trouble getting comments to you using Outllok. Am going to try this one using AOL. If it works, I'll send more. Frtiz

gerry said...

Hi Jay,
I'm really enjoying you trip, Your commentary is great. If you have a bad day, just remember, --you could be where I am!!