Friday, May 23, 2008

Big Sur

Big Sur today. Yeah!

I have always wanted to take a ride through the Big Sur but never have taken the opportunity to do it. Today was the day.

I started off at about 9am going through San Luis Obispo to get the Rt 1. I needed gas so I stopped next to a nice restaurant and had breakfast too. Eggs, sausage and a Biscuit. Called the office and got on my way. Lots of traffic slowed me down which turned out to be a good thing. Really sharp curves and really bad drivers! I kept remembering my lovely daughter Amanda’s last words to me as I departed Scottsdale “Dad…don’t do anything stupid!”. Turnabout is fair enough. She has certainly heard that enough over the years.

Well, the time flew and soon I was in Carmel. I did take a few pictures going through but for the most part, there was fog and very low clouds. I actually had to layer up against the cold! Pretty rare for me. I ended up in San Francisco and stopped at Paula’s home. Paula is at her home in Argentina for a few weeks so it was really convenient. After checking the campgrounds north, all crowded for the holiday weekend, I may stay here until Sunday morning. There’s always lots of design work to keep me busy.

Today was pretty short, just 51/2 hours in the saddle but my butt is pretty sore anyway. I have a tendency to keep pushing on. I really need to slow down and get off the bike more.

Still cant post pictures. My camera drivers will not work with Vista! Grrrr. I'll find a pocket adapter somewhere today as a work around.

1 comment:

Bob Galvin said...

Jay, at the end of the day do side leg lifts which will strengthen the sides of the gluts.
Then do reverse leg lifts, (laying on your stomach), and lifting your leg up and down. This will get the back of the gluts.
A sore hind side will continue to be a problem, (from what I have heard), until you really toughen it up.

Good luck and safe travels. Bob